Behind the Glass

Anna Kintigh

The idea for Glass House first came about after someone asked me what it was like to live in a “fish bowl” because my husband is one of the pastors at our church.  While I don’t really care for the idea of a fish bowl and that thought is a (often true) stereo-type, I realized that our life really was on display for all to see.   So, instead of allowing myself to be frustrated by something I could not change, I was going to embrace it!  I was going to break the mold of my little fish bowl, shining up the windows to reveal our glass house!

Yes, I’m often up front more than some of you, because of what role God has our family in…but that does not change the fact that every believer is called to let their light shine before men so we can glorify God in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).  We all have a role to display God’s character to the world around us.  To be a light in a very dark world.

Our family’s journey is not without the valleys, but we have also been on top of some amazing peaks too.  Sometimes, a lot of times, our windows need to be washed.  But that’s the way it is with family!  You live and love each other through the sin and through the intentional pursuing of righteousness.  You spure one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)!

I have not always been a writer (just ask my mom as she graded my english papers!), but it is something that God is developing in me as a way to study and process the lessons that He is teaching me.  It is my way of working through what is in my head.  I have an undergraduate degree in psychology and one day dream of becoming a certified life coach.  I love chatting with women and helping them pursue God’s calling on their life.  I started a young mom’s group at my church and help my husband lead the youth ministry that he’s responsible for.

Most of my time is filled up with my family!  I can honestly say, after learning A LOT of lessons, that I enjoy being a mom!  It’s very hard work and most of it is behind-the-scenes, but I am so thankful for my little family that God is designing.  You can fill your life with a lot of things, but nothing will satisfy if you are not pursuing God and obeying His will for you.

So with that, welcome to our house!! We invite you to watch, learn, and prayerfully see God at work.

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